About Me

Rick Flare says,

I am a brand spankin’ new Half Japanese, Half Italian, Half Persian Ball of Joy! I will never cease to amaze you, and promise never to bring a dull moment into this rather perfect world.

I live Nagoya, Japan (ever heard of it) and it’s the 4th largest city in Japan. I am just to get my grasp of everything around me, seeing as how I will be ONE this November 18, 2007. Don’t forget to wish me a happy b-day, and check out my links for more info. I would recomend Flickr for Pictures, Youtube for videos, and Learn Kanji, for well, learning Kanji.

I hope enjoy the blog, and feel free to send me some feedback if you wish to see something else. I’ve been known to work miracles: amontice [at] gmail [dot] com.

Heart / Mind In Japanese

8 responses to “About Me

  1. Hello Kai. I was just searching for another “Kai” and came across your cute photos. I thought you might enjoy seeing another young man (who is now 9 whole years old) and scare your parents to death… little, cute boys named Kai grow up very fast! And they love weird things like Spongebob and “Kiss” … this particular other Kai is the lead singer in this performance. Oh, and he usually sports flaming red hair and freckles.

    Great to “meet” you on your blog. You are a doll!

    -Dana, mom to Kai in Maryland

  2. Stumbled onto your blog.. and have to comment that your son is gorgeously adorably cute!!

  3. thejokersuicide

    Mezzo giapponese e mezzo italiano!!!
    Quanto invidio quel bambino, che si risparmierà tutta la fatica che sto facendo per imparare il giapponese!
    E c’è da dirlo: è adorabile!!!

    No need to translate this right?

  4. Nicole Faure

    Hi Kai! I have a little boy named Kai, too! His name is Kai Takeru and is 1/4 Japanese (I’m 1/2). He’ll be four November NINETEENTH. 😀

    I stumbled here looking for Kai in kanji since I lost what my grandpa wrote for me. So nice to see another cute little Kai who’s name is so meaningful, just like for my Kai! ❤

    Nicole, mom to Kai in Louisiana, USA.

  5. cute kid
    interesting math

  6. Kai chan wa kawaii desu!!

  7. Hey Kai, its isabel.

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